Basics and Printing - 10 Assignments
0 Basics and Printing Installing the JDK
1.1 Basics and Printing Compiler Check
1.2 Filesystem Creating Folders
2 Basics and Printing Compiling Practice
3 Basics and Printing An Important Message
4 Basics and Printing A Good First Program
5 Basics and Printing Comments and Slashes
6 Basics and Printing Letter to Someone
7 Basics and Printing Your Initials
8 Basics and Printing Numbers and Math
Variables - 5 Assignments
9 Variables Variables and Names
10 Variables More Variables and Printing
11 Variables Using Variables
12 Variables Still Using Variables
13 Variables Your Schedule
Keyboard Input - 7 Assignments
14 Keyboard Input Asking Questions
15 Keyboard Input The Forgetful Machine
16 Keyboard Input Name, Age, and Salary
17 Keyboard Input More User Input of Data
18 Keyboard Input Age in Five Years
19 Keyboard Input A Dumb Calculator
20 Keyboard Input BMI Calculator
If Statements - 8 Assignments
21 If Statements What If
22 If Statements How Old Are You?
23 If Statements Else And If
24 If Statements Weekday Name
25 If Statements How Old Are You, Specifically?
26 If Statements Space Boxing
27 If Statements A Little Quiz
28 If Statements Modulus Animation
GUI - 3 Assignments
29 GUI Using Swing for Input
30 GUI A Boring Window
31 GUI A Frame with a Panel with Writing on It
If Statements 2 - 9 Assignments
32 Nested If Twenty Questions... well, actually just Two
33 Nested If Choose Your Own Adventure!
34 Compound Boolean Age Messages 3
35 Compound Boolean Two More Questions
36 If Statements BMI Categories
37 If Statements Gender Game
38 If Statements compareTo() Challenge
39 If Statements Alphabetical Order
40 If Statements The Worst Number-Guessing Game Ever
Random Numbers - 7 Assignments
41 Random Numbers Randomness
42 Random Numbers Magic 8-Ball
43 Random Numbers A Number-Guessing Game
44 Random Numbers Fortune Cookie
45 Random Numbers Dice
46 Random Numbers One Shot Hi-Lo
47 Random Numbers Three Card Monte
While Loops - 8 Assignments
48 While Loops Enter Your PIN
49 While Loops Keep Guessing
50 While Loops Dice Doubles
51 While Loops Counting with a While Loop
52 While Loops PIN Lockout
53 While Loops Number-Guessing with a Counter
54 While Loops Hi-Lo with Limited Tries
55 While Loops Adding Values in a Loop
Do-While Loops - 8 Assignments
56 Do-While Loops do-while Swimming
57 Do-While Loops Flip Again?
58 Do-While Loops Shorter Double Dice
59 Do-While Loops Again with the Number-Guessing
60 While Loops Safe Square Root
61 While Loops Right Triangle Checker
62 While Loops Collatz Sequence
63 While Loops Short Adventure 2 With a Loop
For Loops - 13 Assignments
64 For Loops Counting with a For Loop
65 For Loops Ten Times
66 For Loops Counting Machine
67 For Loops Counting Machine Revisited
68 For Loops Counting By Halves
69 For Loops Xs and Ys
70 For Loops Noticing Even Numbers
71 For Loops Fizz Buzz
72 For Loops Letter at a Time
73 For Loops For Loop Challenge
74 For Loops Adding Values with a For Loop
75 Random Numbers Baby Blackjack
76 Projects Project: Blackjack
Graphics - 1 Assignments
77 Graphics Graphics Demo 1
Functions - 5 Assignments
97 Functions Picture Menu
98 Functions Flicker Phrase
99 Functions Heron's Formula
100 Functions Distance Formula
101 Functions Month Name
Arrays - 16 Assignments
138 Arrays Basic Arrays 0
139 Arrays Basic Arrays 1
140 Arrays Basic Arrays 2
141 Arrays Basic Arrays 3
142 Arrays Copying Arrays
143 Arrays Grades in an Array and a File
144 Arrays Finding a Value in an Array
145 Arrays How Many Times?
146 Arrays Is It There or Not?
147 Arrays Where Is It?
148 Arrays Finding the Largest Value in an Array
149 Arrays Locating the Largest Value in an Array
150 Arrays Pre-populating Arrays
151 Arrays Parallel Arrays
152 Arrays Tic-Tac-Toe
153 Arrays Hangman
Classes - 14 Assignments
163.1 Classes Web Addresses
163.2 Classes Web Addresses Scanner
164 Classes Web Addresses Array
165 Classes Address .toString()
166 Classes Basic Records
167 Classes A Little Database
168 Classes A Little Database is Shorter with a Loop
169 Classes Getting Data from a File
170 Classes Getting More Data from a File
171 Classes Storing Data in a File
172 Classes Reading What You Wrote
173 Sorting Sorting an Array of Objects
174 Sorting Sorting Strings
175 Sorting Sorting Records on Two Fields
Classes 2 - 4 Assignments
225 Constructor Method Constructors
226 Constructor Method Dog Constructor
227 Encapsulation Encapsulation
228 Encapsulation Encapsulate!