Problem 175

Sorting Records on Two Fields

Make a record to store information about a student’s grades. It should contain fields for:

I have provided a file filled with grade information. You should create an array of records with 30 slots. Read the contents of the file into the array of records.

Required files: gb.txt

Then, rearrange the array so that grades are sorted by grade number within student and display the sorted contents.

Open which file: gb.txt

Data loaded.
Data sorted.

Here are the sorted grades:
	171 1 47 F
	171 2 64 D
	171 3 86 B
	171 4 26 F
	171 5 78 C
	171 6 70 C
	679 1 32 F
	679 2 41 F
	679 3 29 F
	679 4 21 F
	679 5 32 F
	679 6 70 F
	819 1 53 F
	819 2 70 C
	819 3 66 D
	819 4 73 C
	819 5 43 F
	819 6 37 F
	884 1 57 F
	884 2 81 B
	884 3 35 F
	884 4 44 F
	884 5 38 F
	884 6 34 F
	938 1 57 F
	938 2 65 D
	938 3 53 F
	938 4 28 F
	938 5 52 F
	938 6 43 F

◄ 174: Sorting Strings 225: Constructors ►

Adapted from
©2013 Graham Mitchell

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