Problem 225


It is time we start to complicate the creation of classes.

Think about creating an instance of an object. And then assigning values to its fields.

Student student = new Student();
student.firstName = "Frank";
student.lastName = "Smith";
student.birthYear = 1988;

Wouldn’t it be nice to include all that on one line?

You can.

All you need is a constructor as part of your class to be able to take the specific data and automatically assign the data to the object’s fields.


It is proper form to always include a constructor when creating a class. Essentially, a constructor is just a method that takes arguments and assigns them to the object’s fields.

For ourStudent class, the constructor would look like this:

class Student {
	public Student(String firstName, String lastName, int birthYear) {
		this.firstName = firstName;
		this.lastName = lastName;
		this.birthYear = birthYear;

The this keyword comes in handy to differentiate between the parameter variable and the current (this) objects field name.

Now, when we create an instance of a Student, we can assign the relevant info when it is created.

Student student = new Student("Frank", "Smith", 1988);

Just like any other method, it is important we know the order of the required parameters.

◄ 175: Sorting Records on Two Fields 226: Dog Constructor ►