Problem 33

Choose Your Own Adventure!

Make a short “Choose Your Own Adventure” game.

This means your game will have eight possible “endings”. Your game will also have a total of fifteen rooms:

        _ R1 _
       /      \
    R2          R3
   /  \        /  \
 R4    R5    R6    R7
 /\    /\    /\    /\
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8

You must use nested if statements to do this.


You are in a creepy house!  Would you like to go "upstairs" or into the
> kitchen

There is a long countertop with dirty dishes everywhere.  Off to one side
there is, as you'd expect, a refrigerator. You may open the "refrigerator"
or look in a "cabinet".
> refrigerator

Inside the refrigerator you see food and stuff.  It looks pretty nasty.
Would you like to eat some of the food? ("yes" or "no")
> no

You die of starvation... eventually.

You are in a creepy house!  Would you like to go "upstairs" or into the
> upstairs

Upstairs you see a hallway.  At the end of the hallway is the master
"bedroom".  There is also a "bathroom" off the hallway.  Where would you like
to go?
> bedroom

You are in a plush bedroom, with expensive-looking hardwood furniture.  The
bed is unmade.  In the back of the room, the closet door is ajar.  Would you
like to open the door? ("yes" or "no")
> no

Well, then I guess you'll never know what was in there.  Thanks for playing,
I'm tired of making nested if statements.

◄ 32: Twenty Questions... well, actually just Two 34: Age Messages 3 ►

Adapted from
©2013 Graham Mitchell

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