Problem 58

Shorter Double Dice

Redo the Dice Doubles assignment (the dice program with a loop) so that it uses a do-while loop instead of a while loop. Otherwise it should behave exactly the same.

If you do this correctly, there should be less code in this version.


Roll #1: 3
Roll #2: 5
The total is 8!

Roll #1: 6
Roll #2: 1
The total is 7!

Roll #1: 2
Roll #2: 5
The total is 7!

Roll #1: 1
Roll #2: 1
The total is 2!

Frequently-Asked Questions

What is a do-while loop? I don’t have a good explanation written up. You’ll have to ask the Internet. I’m sorry.

◄ 57: Flip Again? 59: Again with the Number-Guessing ►

Adapted from
©2013 Graham Mitchell

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