Problem 99
Heron's Formula
In this program, you’ll look at a function that “returns a value”. When you call on the function to do a task, it will give you back a result.
Files Needed:
What You Should See
A triangle with sides 3,3,3 has an area of 2.0 A triangle with sides 3,4,5 has an area of 6.0 A triangle with sides 7,8,9 has an area of 26.832815729997478 A triangle with sides 5,12,13 has an area of 30.0 A triangle with sides 10,9,11 has an area of 42.42640687119285 A triangle with sides 8,15,17 has an area of 60.0
What You Should Do on Your Own
Assignments turned in without these things will receive no credit.
- Compile and run both files ( and Do they both produce the same output? (Answer in a comment in
- How many lines long is How many lines long is if you don’t count the two lines of comments inside the triangleArea() function? (Put the answers to both questions in a comment in
- There is a bug in the formula for both files. When (a+b+c) is an odd number, dividing by 2 throws away the .5. Fix both files so that instead of (a+b+c) / 2 you have (a+b+c) / 2.0 everywhere it occurs. Was it easier to fix the file that used a function, or the one that didn’t use a function? Answer in a comment.
- Add one more test to both files: find the area of a triangle with sides 9, 9, and 9. Was it difficult to add to the file that used a function? Answer in a comment on the line below where you added the new function call.
- (You don’t need to turn in Only turn in one file:
- You could refactor the code even further with a function called
that wraps thetriangleArea()
function to remove the literal side lengths placed in the output.
Instead of
System.out.println("A triangle with sides 5,12,13 has an area of " + triangleArea(5, 12, 13));
within a wrapper function calculateAndPrintArea
System.out.println("A triangle with sides " + a + "," + b + "," + c + " has an area of " + triangleArea(a, b, c));
What You Should See After Everything Is Done
A triangle with sides 3,3,3 has an area of 3.897114317029974 A triangle with sides 3,4,5 has an area of 6.0 A triangle with sides 7,8,9 has an area of 26.832815729997478 A triangle with sides 5,12,13 has an area of 30.0 A triangle with sides 10,9,11 has an area of 42.42640687119285 A triangle with sides 8,15,17 has an area of 60.0 A triangle with sides 9,9,9 has an area of 35.074028853269766
◄ 98: Flicker Phrase 100: Distance Formula ►
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©2013 Graham Mitchell
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