More Number Puzzles

Use nested for loops to generate a list of all the two digit numbers which are less than or equal to fifty-six, and the sum of whose digits is greater than ten.

Use another set of nested for loops to find a two-digit number such that the number itself minus the number reversed is equal to the sum of its digits.

For example, 72 is not such a number because 72-27 (which is 45) is not the same as the sum of its digits (2+7 = 9).

Finally, put the code for each of the two parts into its own separate function, and have a menu in a main() function which allows you to choose which of the two sets to find. This main program should keep repeating until you choose to quit (use a “post-test”, while:True, loop for this).

1) Find two digit numbers <= 56 with sums of digits > 10
2) Find two digit number minus number reversed which equals sum of digits
3) Quit


(numbers go here)

1) Find two digit numbers <= 56 with sums of digits > 10
2) Find two digit number minus number reversed which equals sum of digits
3) Quit


(number goes here)

1) Find two digit numbers <= 56 with sums of digits > 10
2) Find two digit number minus number reversed which equals sum of digits
3) Quit


©2021 Daniel Gallo

This assignment is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

Creative Commons License

Adapted for Python from Graham Mitchell’s Programming By Doing