Vowel Capitalization¶

Open a file specified by the user. Read in each line from the file, one at a time. Then use square-brackets and an index ([i]) and a loop to process that line one character at a time.

If the character is a consonant, simply display it as-is on the screen. If the character is a lower-case vowel (a,e,i,o,u), display it as a CAPITAL LETTER instead. This is going to take some if statements.

Name your program vowel_capitalization.py

You can try the sample input file vowels.txt to see what your program does. You could also test it on any other file you like.

Original voewls.txt:

Old McDonald had a farm; e-i-e-i-o.  (And don't forget 'u'.)

What your program should do¶

Open which file: vowels.txt

Old McDOnAld hAd A fArm; E-I-E-I-O.  (And dOn't fOrgEt 'U'.)
Open which file: letter.txt

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©2021 Daniel Gallo

This assignment is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

Creative Commons License

Adapted for Python from Graham Mitchell’s Programming By Doing