How Old Are You, Specifically?¶

Using if statements, elif, and else statements, make a program which displays a different message depending on the age given.

age message
less than 16 "You can't drive."
16 to 17 "You can drive but not vote."
18 to 20 "You can vote but not rent a car."
21 or older "You can do pretty much anything."

Note that unlike the original “How Old Are You” assignment, this program must only display exactly one message for a given age and not multiple messages.

Name your file:

Hey, what's your name? (Sorry, I keep forgetting): Billy Corgan
Ok, Billy Corgan, how old are you? 17

You can drive but you can't vote, Billy Corgan.
Hey, what's your name? (Sorry, I keep forgetting): Billy Corgan
Ok, Billy Corgan, how old are you? 14

You can't drive, Billy Corgan.

You can make up your own messages if you want, but you must have at least four messages, and you must use else if statements to make sure only one of the messages is printed for any given age.

©2021 Daniel Gallo

This assignment is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

Creative Commons License

Adapted for Python from Graham Mitchell’s Programming By Doing