If, Elif, Else¶

Type this one in and make it work, too.

Name your file:


team_a_points = 25
team_a_wins = 15

team_b_points = 20
team_b_wins = 16

if team_a_points > team_b_points:
    print("Team A wins!")
    team_a_wins += 1
elif team_b_points > team_a_points:
    print("Team B wins!")
    team_b_wins += 1

if team_a_wins > team_b_wins:
    print("Team A has more wins than Team B.")
elif team_b_wins > team_a_wins:
    print("Team B has more wins than Team A.")
    print("Both Teams A and B have the same number of wins.")

What You Should See¶

Team A wins!
Both Teams A and B have the same number of wins.

What You Should Do on Your Own¶

Assignments turned in without these things will receive half credit or less.

  1. Why do you suppose the output says "Both Teams A and B have the same number of wins." when team_a_wins is initialized as only 15 and team_b_wins is initialized as 16? It seems Team B has more wins. What is going on?

  2. What do you think elif and else are doing? Answer in a comment.

  3. Pick one of the elif statements and change it to if instead. What difference does that make? Why? Answer in a comment.

©2021 Daniel Gallo

This assignment is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

Creative Commons License

Adapted for Python from Graham Mitchell’s Programming By Doing