Inventory Management System¶

Create a program that will manage a store’s product inventory. An inventory item is going to be a dictionary with the following format:

item = {
    "sku": int,
    "name": str,
    "min_stock": int,
    "stock": int

Explanation of product keys:

  • "sku": Stock Keeping Unit or barcode. Must be unique among all products.

  • "stock": How many of the particular item we have available for sale.

  • "min_stock": The lowest stock level of the particular item before we trigger an automated order from the supplier.

  • "name": The name of the product.

Create a main function to display the following menu items:

  1. Load inventory from file.

    • The user will choose the name of the databse file to open.

  2. Display items in a table

    • * items that need to be ordered (optional)

    • order by alpha (optional)

  3. Edit inventory item

    • Select a product by sku to edit its information.

  4. Add inventory item

    • Prevent adding existing item.

  5. Save changes to file.

  6. Generate purchase-order

    • Scan through the database to determine if we need to order more of this product.


You must create and make use of the following functions. Each must be fully type-annotated and docstrings written.

  • is_order_required

  • show_tabbed

  • set_name

  • set_stock

  • set_min_stock


This function will be given a single product (dictionary) and return True if we need to order more of this item. Need to compare the current stock level to the lowest allowed level.


Take a single product (dictionary) and print out it’s information in a single row for printing in a table. You might want to draw from your function in Fields in a Row for this.


Given a product dictionary and a string to change the product’s name, set the "name" key of the product. This function is going to ensure the name is a string that only contains letters and numbers (alpha-numeric). Use Python’s built-in str.isalnum() method to determine this.

A weak implementation of this function will fail silently - i.e. it will fail to set the name without any indication.

A strong implementation of this function will raise an exception. There could be two potential errors that would fit this case. A TypeError and/or a ValueError.


Given a product dictionary and a string to change the product’s stock level, set the "stock" key of the product. This function is going to ensure the new stock is actually an int. Furthermore, this number cannot be negative.

A weak implementation of this function will fail silently - i.e. it will fail to set the stock without any indication.

A strong implementation of this function will raise an exception. There could be two potential errors that would fit this case. A TypeError and/or a ValueError.


Given a product dictionary and a string to change the product’s minimum stock level, set the "min_stock" key of the product. This function is going to ensure the new minimum stock value is actually an int. Furthermore, this number cannot be negative.

A weak implementation of this function will fail silently - i.e. it will fail to set the minimum stock level without any indication.

A strong implementation of this function will raise an exception. There could be two potential errors that would fit this case. A TypeError and/or a ValueError.

©2021 Daniel Gallo

This work is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International