Using Keys Method to Edit All Fields¶

Download the starter code and get it to run. It should ask you to change the fields in the student dictionary, but it won’t actually change anything.

What you should see¶

Please enter new values for the following:

student_id: 12
name: Johnny
grade: 11
average: 95


student_id: 123
name: John
grade: 10
average: 88.0

What you should do¶

  1. In the first loop, after you get new_value from the user, assign it to its proper place in the dictionary. Use the key variable to access the appropriate field. The program should show the following:

    Please enter new values for the following:
    student_id: 555
    name: Goku
    grade: 99
    average: over 9000
    student_id: 555
    name: Goku
    grade: 99
    average: over 9000
  2. Let’s pretend that we don’t want the student_id to be changed. In the loop, prevent that field from being changed. Use the continue statement to skip to the next loop iteration if the key is "student_id".

  3. You will notice that all new values come in as strings and therefore will change the grade and average for the student to strings. We don’t want this. Use an if statement in the input-loop to check the type of each original item and do the appropriate conversion before saving the new value to the dictionary.

    if type(student[key]) is int:
        # convert the new value to an int.

    The types to check for are str, int, and float. Use the int() and float() functions to do the conversions if necessary.

©2021 Daniel Gallo

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