Month Name Handling

Continuing on from the previous exercise Modify Month Name, implement a validation loop with try/except to handle the error raised by your modified month_name function.

What you should do

  1. Create a main function to ask the user for a month number.

  2. Attempt to pass the choice to the month_name function even if it is an invalid month number.

  3. Take note of the error that it causes when given an invalid month number and set up a try/except structure to handle that particular error. In the except, simply state that the option they entered was invalid.

  4. Use a loop to force the user to enter a valid number. It should not quit until they enter one.

    Enter a month number: 55
    Invalid number. Pick 1-12
    Enter a month number: 13
    Invalid number. Pick 1-12
    Enter a month number: 0
    Invalid number. Pick 1-12
  5. Include in your try/except the ability to handle the error that occurs when the user enters a string value instead of a valid int.

©2021 Daniel Gallo

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