No Negative Args, Please!

Download and run the starter code.

What you should see

3 items at $2.99 each is:

What you should do

  1. In the main function, make the item_price a negative number. i.e., -2.99. Run the program and explain what happens. Answer the following in a comment.

    • What is the error?

    • What is the message?

    • On what line does the error occur?

    • What caused the error?

  2. In the calc_subtotal function, add a check for the quantity value. Quantities cannot be negative so also raise a ValueError if the quantity is negative. In the main function fix the item_price variable to make it positive and make the quantity negative to observe the error.

  3. In the main function, make both item_price and quantity negative. What do you see and what do you not see. Explain in a comment.

©2021 Daniel Gallo

This work is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International