Fishy-Feed Lab

This lab will be a step by step guide to create a minigame where you feed some worms to a fish. When the fishy is all fed and happy, you win!


Fishy-Feed Game


Overfeeding your actual fish can be fatal. Please refer to the food instructions label for the proper amounts to feed your fish.

Required Files


  1. Import the fishGreen.png image. Store the image in a variable called fish_img. Ensure that it is in the same directory as this Python file, or be sure to reference the filepath properly. Never load images in the game loop. Do this before the loop.

  2. Create a fish_rect variable by extracting the Rect object from the fish_img using the .get_rect() method.

  3. Set the .center property of the fish_rect to the center of the screen.

  4. .blit the fish_img onto the screen. Remember, you have to use the fish_rect ‘s .topleft coordinate, or the hitbox (the fish_rect) and the image will be at different locations on the screen.

  5. The fish looks like… a fish out of water. Change the screen.fill() color to (212, 241, 249).

  6. Import the wormPink.png file and store it in a variable claled worm_img.

  7. Create a worm_rect variable and extract the Rect object from the worm_img Surface`. Set the worm_rect center to (400, 50).

  8. .blit the worm_img to the screen at the worm_rect.topleft position.

  9. Mr. Wormy is a little too big. Let’s apply a transform (scale) to the worm to make it 33% the original size. Do this befor eyou extract the rect into the worm_rect variable.

  10. Next, set up a worms_fed variable and set it to 0. This will keep track of how many worms we have fed our fishy.

  11. Get pygame to display some text showing the value of the worms_fed variable. Because this will change, it needs to be rendered in the game-loop. The text will simply be in teh format "Worms fed: {worms_fed}". Don’t forget to pygame.font.init(), then load a font, then you can render the text, then you can blit the text to the screen. Blit it to (0, 0).

  12. Create a MOUSEBUTTONDOWN event that will just increace the score (worms_fed) by 1 every time you click. Just for testing purposes. Verify that the score text is updating.

  13. Modify the mouse down event to only increase when you actually click on the worm_rect. Use the .collidepoint method for this using event.pos.

  14. Modify the event again so that if the worm is clicked, we can give it a new location. Use random.randrange for this and use the screen width and height as the maximum.

  15. Let’s add the ability to drag the worm around. We want to be able to drop him on the fish. See a previous tutorial on how to drag if you need more hints. Create a dragging_worm variable and set it to False.

  16. In the “Game updates” section of the game loop, put some code like “if dragging worm is True, then set the worm_rect center to the mouse position”. Again, the dragging tutorial will help out with this.

  17. Manually set the dragging_worm variable to True to verify that the worm is stuck to the mouse position when it is True.

  18. Set dragging_worm back to False.

  19. In the MOUSEBUTTONDOWN event, comment out the score and the repositioning of the worm for now. Then, if the event.pos is on the worm, then we need to set dragging to True. When you click the worm, it should stick to the mouse, but you won’t be able to get rid of it, for now.

  20. Create a MOUSEBUTTONUP event that will set the dragging variable to False. Now when you release the worm, it should not stick to the mouse anymore, but drop where you let go.

  21. Move the commented code from #19 concerning the score and the repositioning of the worm into the “Game updates” section of the game loop. You want to run this code if the worm_rect collides with the fish_rect. Now if you move the worm to the fish, it will automatically eat it.

  22. You may notice if you don’t let go of the mouse, the dragging variable won’t be set to False. You can set it to False when the score goes up, too.


  • When the fish is fed 5 worms, show some text saying "You Win!".

  • Sometimes the worm spawns on the fish for free points. Use a while loop to ensure the worm spawns away from the fish. While the worm and fish are colliding, give the worm a new x and y coordinate. You can also use fish_rect.inflate(...) to add a buffer zone around the fish.

  • Get the fishy to move back and forth. When it moves right, flip the image.

  • Modify the code so you must drop the worm on the fish in order to score a point (rather than the fish simply coming into contact with it).

  • The hit-boxes for the worm and fish are a little off. See if you can narrow them down. It might help to draw a rect after you draw the image to see where the hitbox actually is and how large it is.