Python Fundamentals
- Introduction to Programming
- Introduction videos
- Installing Python
- An Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
- Create and run a Python file
- Output a message
- Mathematical operations
- Order of operations
- Common Math Functions
- Storing data in variables
- Assignment Operators
- Get input from the user
- Convert strings to numbers
- Format output text
- Strings
- If Statements
- Loops
- While loop videos
- For loop videos
- Loop with a counter variable
- Loop with an accumulator variable
- break
- continue
- Get user input in a loop
- Quit loop with sentinel value
- Loop through a string (while)
- Loop through a list (while)
- Loop through a string (for)
- Loop through a list (for)
- Loop using range
- Loop using enumerate
- String building and filtering
- Lists
- List videos
- Creating a list
- Accessing list elements
- Slicing a list
- Appending elements to a list
- Reassign element at list index
- Remove list element using .remove
- Remove list element at index using del
- Insert element at index
- Append user input to a list using a loop
- Check if a value is in a list
- Find the largest item in a list
- List building and filtering
- Insert a value in a sorted list
- Functions
- Exceptions
- Dictionaries
- File R/W
- Testing
- Classes
- Classes vs. objects
- Attributes and Behaviours
- Unified Modeling Language (UML)
- __init__ method
- Accessing Object Attributes
- Object pointers
- Loop through a list of objects
- Instance method
- Encapsulation
- Aggregate class
- Class field (variable)
- Class method
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Refactor multiple classes
- Function/Method Overloading
- Docstrings (Classes)
- Algorithms
- Pygame
- Pygame Template
- Pygame Cheatsheet
- Intro to Pygame
- Drawing Shapes
- Health Bars
- Compound Shapes
- Landscape Lab
- Bouncing Ball
- Click for Points
- Keyboard Movement
- Scene Switching
- Rects and Collision
- Two-Player Clicky Game Lab
- Dragging Objects
- Importing Images
- Fishy-Feed Lab
- Lists in Pygame
- Draw Tree Function
- Using Classes to Store Data
- Instance Methods
- Container Encapsulation and Inheritance Lab
- Floating Info Text Lab
- Building a class-based Pygame Framework
- Anvil
- Canadian Computing Competition (CCC)
- The Python Workbook Solutions